Whilst no diving experience is required for our dives we have very strict rules for guests to be able to experience them.
IMPORTANT NOTE: All divers MUST be able to speak English and have a reasonable degree of swimming ability. For health and safety reasons we are unable to allow non-English speakers to dive with our sharks.
Scuba Diving is physically demanding and can be dangerous if you suffer from certain medical conditions. It is very important that you, the diver, do not suffer from any contraindications to diving.
Please carefully read the below list of medical conditions that may prohibit you from taking part in the Shark Dive for your own safety.
- Asthma
- Heart Disease
- Epilepsy
- Diabetes
- Chest Conditions including Pneumothorax
- Sinus Conditions
- Ear problems/surgery
- High blood pressure
- Pregnancy (pregnant woman are not permitted to dive).
If you suffer from or have suffered from any of the above medical conditions OR If you suffer from any other medical conditions, including recent injuries, surgeries or psychological conditions then you will be required to obtain a fully completed medical clearance from a dive doctor prior to booking in for the dive.
If the participant answers "yes" to any of the questions they must visit a qualified Dive Doctor to get signed off to do the dive - Please visit here for more information.
DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL the night before your dive.
DO NOT fly in an aircraft within 12 hours after your dive.
You must have a reasonable degree of swimming ability.